Monday, November 21, 2005

Potter and the Right Path

I went to see Harry Potter last night. I have to admit I am a Potter junkie. I can’t get enough of the stories and movies. Every time a movie or book comes out, I rush to read through it all and then go through a period of withdrawals. Good movie, but it strips a lot from the book for the sake of time. If you haven’t read the book (which are they any people out there) I don’t see why you would see the movie.

Anyway at the end of the movie, Professor Dumbledore (the father, wise figure) tells Harry, “we have two choices now, one that is right, and one that is easy.”

Which path are we going to take? The easy one or the right one. It seems hard to determine which is the right path for us to take. However, it isn’t really hard to determine which path is easier. I am not saying that the easy path is always wrong, but at times it is how we escape because the right path is too difficult.

In our culture today, we avoid conflict—at least living in the conflict. We are pretty good at entering into conflict and creating conflict, but we are not very good or eager to live and process through that conflict. It is easier to avoid it and just demonize the other side of conflict, instead of trying to reside and reconcile in the conflict.

The right path is difficult, it is counter-cultural. The right path takes us down a road that seems impossible or too difficult. The right path leads to God and is led by God.

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