Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Gospel of Generosity

The essence of the Gospel is that God is gracious and generous. It doesn't get more complicated than that. God generous gives of himself. He didn't need to entry in this world. He doesn't need us. Yet, He willingly entered this world and offered himself as a sacrifice. He gave his life for us. The is nothing more generous than giving your life. However, God didn't just give his life for one life or for two or even just 12. He gave his life for everybody, for all times. That is an endless and generous giving.

This morning I was reading in Matthew 15. It talks about how Jesus went up to a mountain and people kept bringing him the poor, the lame, the blind, etc. Jesus kept healing them for three days. He generously gave of his time and his power. Then with compassion in his heart, he decided to feed these people. The disciples break 7 loaves (7 being the symbol of perfection) So a complete or a prefected loaf was broken for 4,000 plus people. Yet, there was still so more left over. Jesus body was broken not just for 4,000 plus people, but for all Humanity. And when all is said and done, the we be left over pieces. He gives all of himself generously to us, yet he still always has more to give. Our gracious God gives abundantly and then some.

How are we to be like Jesus and be generous givers? What is our life to look like if we give abundantly and generously of ourselves? Things to think about during the season of stewardship.

Lord, Help me to give of myself generously. Don't let me hold back. The only thing I have to offer in this world is myself. Let me give myself, all of myself to you, to serve you. May CPC be a church that are generous givers.

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