Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Crumbs of Faith, Loaf of Doubt

I went to a local pastors' fellowship event today. I was encourage to see some many faithful and devoted followers of Jesus. We sang, prayed, and had communion together. It was a blessed event. Pastors' came from all over the theological spectrum (all evangelical). At one moment in our time together we prayed for healing for one of the man. Pastors' rose up to heal him and pray for his healing.

It is amazing when doubt creeps up on you. In this time of many blessings, I was doubting. Doubting God. Doubting God whether he would really heal this person or not. The man proclaimed healing upon himself--but I was worried about follow-up. What happens if the man's symptoms come back, what happens to his faith? What happens to the faith of these pastors who proclaim this healing?

Doubt it is an amazing thing. Without it, we wouldn't have faith. In Matthew 15, I read today about the canaanite woman asking Jesus for healing of her daughter. Jesus initial refuses, but she persists him. He acknowledges her faith and heals the person. Her faith was great.

Does doubt preclude great faith?

A crumb of a faith from my master's table overrides my loaf of doubt.

Lord, may I be a person that holds onto the crumbs of faith from your table. May CPC be a community that holds onto those crumbs as well. Thank you Jesus!

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