Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Pieces, Unitarian, Plurality Report
Well the PUP report passed (although amendment with a unified vote of 57% to 43%. The line was added to recommendation 5 that stated by, "examination and ordination and installation decision complies with the constitution." The ACC stated that this wouldn’t alter the intent or meaning of recommendation 5, however, I think it explicitly states now higher governing bodies can challenge not only the process of ordination but also the decision. The GA in closer votes (both 55% to 45%) decline to delete 5 and to refer it to the presbyteries for the further discernment.

Bottom line here is that this report will not bring peace, unity, or purity to the church but rather throws us into chaos of localized disunity. I proposed that it should be called The Pieces, Unitarian, Plurality Report. Because the effect of the adoption of the report throws this denomination into pieces, takes it a step closer to a Unitarian and Plurality model of accepting all theology and behaviors.

What was amazing was the double-talk in the comments by taskforce. They stated that this report will not change our constitution but is a different way of doing. It is a new way but really an old way that we already have done. So it doesn’t change anything but it is new way of living out. What?!

I find it particularly outrageous that this radical change (and make no mistake by defining standards as aspiration is a radical change to the constitution process) is not being allowed to be done in the constitution manner of allowing the whole body (the presbyteries) to decide. I know Authoritative Interpretation (AI) are not decided by presbyteries which is why changing the intent and plain meaning of the constitution is duplicitous. These kinds of radical changes need to be done by changing the words of the constitution not the AI.

The reality is all this will be played out in a court case when the first presbytery ordains a person that defies the constitution standard (which now is just aspiration) of living in fidelity in marriage and chastity in singleness.

YAD Fatigue Syndrome (YFS)
I am coming down with a not so rare disease at GA. It is YAD (Youth Advisory Delegates) Fatigue Syndrome (YFS). This happens when a endless line of YADs get up and give a unprepared and unreformed, unbiblical plea to the assembly. One of them on the assembly floor stated that, "God is sovereign but can’t work through this conflict" What? Would someone please send an overture to help relieve YFS. Unfortunately there is no known cure for YFS.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly, Tracy. I've just gone back and re-read the recommendations, and it's very unclear what effect this will ahve. It's a lovely piece of doublespeak, which is probably why it passed, so this assembly wouldn't have to do anything unpleasant. Wait 'till 2008, after this piece of unclear thinking has worked its way throught the judicial process a few times and people will wish for something else.

Anonymous said...

This is awful news.

Jody Harrington said...

Yeah--Ecclesiastical Doublespeak raised to a new art form! I also ditto your YAD fatigue syndrome. Why do they all have to sound like Valley Girls?

Jody Harrington said...

Yeah--Ecclesiastical Doublespeak raised to a new art form! I also ditto your YAD fatigue syndrome. Why do they all have to sound like Valley Girls?

Tracy Johnson said...

rev dave, I actually have hope that the amendment that higher governing bodies can review decisions gives might be helpful.

tbjohnston said...

Tracy - Watching the debate via the internet, I did hear one YAD who made sense, a young woman from Chicago...

Tracy Johnson said...

I didn't mean to throw all the YADs under the bus--some all very impressive--however, the majority are rather painful.