Monday, June 19, 2006

GA: Afternoon Plenary

Had a very inspiring lunch, which Gagnon reminded us of the cost of discipleship and giving over are whole life to Jesus, even our sexuality. The call of Jesus is inclusive because it is given to all, but cost of following Jesus is giving up everything even our life. He also mention that Jack Rogers has decline to debate him in person. Let me tell you I would pay top dollar and travel great distances to be attendance at that debate. Meanwhile....back to the plenary floor.

Sexuality Curriculum
The assembly approved without debate to instruct General Assembly Counsel and all PCUSA entities to use the biblical and confessional teachings that sexual relationships belong only within the bond of marriage of a man and a woman as the standard for the development of any future materials. This is fantastic but what it does imply and what is true is that our current sexuality curriculum doesn’t adhere to that standard and affirms many forms of sexuality and expressions, even though GA’s have instructed them to change it. So in essence the assembly affirmed that sexual relationships only belong with the bond of marriage of a man and a woman. Alleluia–but will they remember this when they vote on PUP and G-6.106b.

Abrahamic Heritage
The overture on Abrahamic Heritage was reduced to this in committee
"Affirm the current mandate of the Office of Interfaith Relations to promote the common effort of Christians, Muslims, and Jews to work together for peace, justice, and righteousness."
This is seemly innocuous but betrays the biblical witness. Peace, justice and righteousness are not secular endeavors and matters that can be achieved in this world with the witness and action of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is His peace and his righteousness (justice) that we pursue, not some inherit sense of justice that resides in humans (which there is none–because we are totally depraved).Yet, only 29 commissioners voted against this overture. Surely this overture is better than what it initially said regarding that we worship the same God as Muslims and Jews, but it is still wrong. Don’t get me wrong I am all for loving Muslims and Jews (and anybody else for that matter), and believe that we as citizens of God’s Kingdom need to live out and demonstrate peace and justice in this world. My hope is that one day, that the Church is such an effective witness that Muslims and Jews come to accept that Jesus is the Sovereign Lord of all and for all. This is just another step of dumbing down our theology and becoming more and more unorthodox.

Parliamentary Procedures
There have been numerous complaints from commissioners about the speed in which the business of the assembly is taking place and they feel they are unable to speak on matters or make amendments to issue. I also think some of the commissioners haven’t properly prepared themselves on the materials (meaning reading them before had and organizing their material) and don’t know the parliamentary procedures. I sure the moving between LES and paper materials isn’t helpful to them either. Anyway–I am getting annoyed with all the complaining.

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