Thursday, December 01, 2005

Best Laid Plans

"Because you did not carry it the first time, the Lord our God burst out against us, because we did not give it proper care.” So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the Lord, the God of Israel." (1 Chronicles 15:13-14, NRSV)

Intentions are not good enough. Sometimes we have the best intentions or the best laid plans, but sometimes they are not enough. David was turning the people back to the Lord compared to Saul’s regime. He intended to bring back the Ark of the Lord, however, in his zest he forget the rules with the ark. He forgot that only the Levites were allowed to carry it. However, Saul was persisted, he made a mistake, and then he corrected it. He then brought the Levites in and had them sanctify themselves before he attempt to retrieve the Ark again. It worked the second time not because of David’s good intentions or plans, but because he was obedient.

I think at times at church we have good intentions, but we are not obedient to the process. We are obedient in keeping God the center and focus of our universe. He only becomes a part of the process instead of the process. We become more enamored in what we have planned and what we are doing (or what to do) than what God has plan.

Can we be a people that are repentant and correct our behavior when we realize that we haven’t been obedient to God’s plan and timing or will we push ahead with our plans?

Then in chapter 16 we get the bottom line of our task and God’s plan for us:

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Tell of his salvation from day to day." (1 Chronicles 16:23, NRSV)

Seems so simply—point people to Christ. Can we start by point ourselves to Christ!

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