Monday, December 19, 2005

God is Giving

I love giving gifts particularly if I know the person is going to be excited about it. There is a joy about getting the reward of satisfaction knowing that the person loves the gift. I dislike (or yes, maybe even hate) gifts for the sake of gifts. It is amazing how easily we fall into the trap of giving gifts because it is Christmas and we ought to give a gift to that person. We ought to give to people because they have a need. We ought to spend time with people because we love them. I would rather spend the time with people that spend the time running around making sure I have the right gift for them or any gift for that matter.

The focus of Christmas quickly becomes how much I can give instead of how much God has given us. This frenzy of gift-giving is the anti-thesis of what Christmas is all about. It is not about our righteousness or worthiness to do the right things or to do anything, but it is about God’s generous and abundant love for us, that GOD GIVES himself to us.

This season let’s not worry about what we are giving, and what we are doing, but let’s focus on what GOD has GIVEN, and what GOD is DOING.

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