Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Suffering Obedience?

"Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered;" (Hebrews 5:8, NRSV)
Does this make you uncomfortable? He learned to be obedient thru suffering. Does that mean I have to learn obedience thru suffering? I really don’t like suffering. I would prefer to live without it.

The book of Hebrews gives us a picture of a human Jesus. Not a sinful Jesus, but one that suffers with us and for us. Jesus is just like us in that he doesn’t like to suffer, but does so because he knows what He has to accomplish. If I know the price I would have to pay to achieve the things that I want would I be willing to suffer for it, or do I just want everything handed to me on a silver platter (okay, it doesn’t have to be silver—it just needs to be handed to me)?

The problem with that statement is “to accomplish the things I want”; it should be accomplish the things the Father wants. Jesus didn’t suffer because he wanted to or that it was His plan, but He did so because it was the Father’s plan and he obeyed his Father.

Lord, help me to obey you and to follow your plan so that I may glorify you in all things—even in my suffering.

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