Monday, March 06, 2006

Opportunities for Communion

I just watch a video of a guy that set up a folding card table in different public places. He placed himself in a mall, outside a fast food restaurant, in a public market, a park, outside a subway entrance. On this table, he placed a bright pink piece of paper that read in Bold black letters, “COMMUNION”. In addition he placed on the table a loaf of the best smelling and tasting bread that you could buy. He had broken the bread into two pieces. Next to the broken bread was a clear wine glass filled with the best wine that he could buy. This gentleman sat behind the table in a chair wanting for people to engage this visual peculiarity. This man was offering communion, he was inviting people to a relationship with Jesus.

In the video, most people walked on by without even noticing the table, some look at him, but didn’t even slow down. Some people slowed down and smiled, but kept walking by. Some people even hovered a bit, but never got too close to engage. Some even stop to talk to the person, but when offered the bread and wine, refused. Then just one person eventually engaged the person, took the bread and wine and thanked the man.

What a fantastic image of what God has done for us. There God is at the fast food place, the mall, the public park, everywhere we go, offering all of us a relationship with Him—a chance to commune with Him. How many of us engage this offer and accept it freely as it is freely given.

Let us be a people that engages in every moment and let us be a people that commune with God.

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