Thursday, October 27, 2005

How quickly we forget

It amazes me how quickly we forget. How quickly when we let our guard down things go assunder. Nehemiah organizes the people to rebuild Jerusalem. He gets them praying, confession, reading the Bible, worshipping God, and then once things are going well he decides he can go back to the King. When we returns it has all fallen apart. They have let foreigners into the city. The women and marrying outside the faith, they are working on the sabbath, they forget to pay their tithes and give the first fruits of everything.

Are we programmed to need leaders? Are we wired that we must have someone telling us what to do?

Yes...that is what we call total depravity. When left to our own devices things fall apart. We need (I need) to be a people (to be a person) that is grounded day in and day out in God's Word. We need (I need) people that hold me accountable and watch over me. I need people that care enough about me to gentle correct my behaviors and my thoughts. I need (We need) each other.

Just last night I was grumbling about doing a favor someone. I received the credit, but in my heart I was not a joyful giver. I was annoyed about the inconveince. Lord help me to love my neighbor in each and every moment. Help me to recognize those moments. Help me to be in your Word and in your community.

1 comment:

Tracy Johnson said...

Thanks Sandy for being the first person to engage in this blog. May we both learn together how to focus on him in the high moments of our life and not just when we need him.