Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The need for Help and workers

This is PR. He says it stands for Peter Rabbit, but it really stands for Paul Robert, but everyone calls him PR (which is just about the coolest nickname I have heard of). PR is Bob's son, both of these men lived together in Bob's FEMA trailer that is parked at the church. PR tells horrendous story of being evacuated on a bus with little to no money. The little money he did have God told him to give it to people that were more needy than he was.

He recalls the joy of being able to put fresh socks on after days and days of wearing the same clothes. After several months of staying away, PR return to Slidell, to live with his Father and his mother you passed away in May.

PR has been looking for the right job. Since the hurricane, Slidell population has return and swelled to 3 times the amount previously. 3 times the amount because many people are temporarily living in Slidell waiting for the homes or their FEMA trailer in other parts of Louisiana. Despite tripling in population, every business (that is open--some are not or haven't returned). has a For HELP sign out. There are not enough people to work the jobs in Slidell, because the people that uses to live in Slidell and work those jobs are gone (to other parts of the country). So Slidell is left with 3 times the population as before and a smaller workforce. Brothers and sisters, the gulf coast still needs our help! Posted by Picasa

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