Monday, July 31, 2006

Serving with our children

It is amazing how many people heads turn or question our decision to bring our children on mission trips--particularly to the Gulf Coast. However it is the best way that we believe we can disciple our children. We want them to see the passion that drives us and we want them to learn from the earilest of age that we are called to Love Jesus and serve him by loving others. This picture is of Andrew, our 4-year-old, hammering in a nail. Now our children are limited physically what they can do--but were excited when they could help out and talked about serving on the mission team.

The greatest moment for us as parents--is when Andrew sat in the back seat with his mom asking questions as to why the people's houses were broken and then came up with a simple plan of helping everyone out. Basically it can be summed up as this (1) We can house everyone in our home until the homes are not broken, (2) We can fix all their homes.

The Faith and Love of a Child. May we all regained that Love. Posted by Picasa

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